Liucas Without Winn

Friday, August 28, 2009


To all the generous donors out there,

My 2010 plan is to travel around the world, all by myself. Big boy dy. Got bulu got sayap. My plan as follows:

1) Starting point = Dataran Merdeka.
2) Then I walk towards Puduraya. Buy Dunkin' Donuts.
3) Continue to Jalan Duta to exit PLUS highway.
4) To be continued because so far I only managed to collect RM10 and all hutang buku 555 one summore..

Please donate to support me to reach my RM1m mark by the end of the year.

If not, with just RM10, I can only eat donuts. And patah balik from Jalan Duta.

For donation, please click here.

Kamsiah lu..

ps: if u dowan donate, i shit at u house next time. mai kong siu.